
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)
PMB 619
743 Railway Ave, Unit 104 
Canmore, AB T1W 1P2

Looking For

Employment Type
Volunteer Part-time

Date Posted
June 10, 2024


Submission Deadline
July 24, 2024




The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention is currently seeking applications for volunteer (unpaid) board members for its Board of Directors.  The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) envisions a Canada without Suicide.  Since 1985, CASP has been working towards the achievement of its purpose by advocating, communicating, and providing resources for suicide prevention, intervention, postvention and life promotion in Canada.  

Board of Directors nominations 

We invite individuals who are currently living permanently in Canada and have an interest in suicide prevention and are committed to using their skills in support of a nationally focused body. 

Board responsibilities include, but are not limited to, establishing, and monitoring the vision and mission of the organization as well as the strategic planning process, providing feedback on special projects, and advisory groups or committees. Directors are expected to contribute in a meaningful way to Board discussions and activities and consistently attend the monthly online board meetings

Directors serve without financial compensation. The CASP Board meets virtually, therefore, Board members are required to have either an internet or phone connection. Computer, internet, and phone expenses are not covered by CASP. 

Term and Location

Directors serve for a term of three years with eligibility for reappointment for a second consecutive term of three years. These positions will commence September 25, 2024 at the end of the Annual General Meeting.

Directors are expected to consistently attend online monthly meetings via video-conference calls (Zoom) on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 12:00pm -1:30pm Eastern time (except for July, August and December). There is also an annual general meeting.

Directors are asked to serve on at least one Committee or Advisory Group during their term. Committee meeting schedules vary, but usually meet once per month.

Skills and Experience

The nomination and selection process are designed to maintain a diverse board composition that includes people with experience and competency in various areas. We are seeking the following:

  • Board Treasurer with an Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.  You will be assisting with expense approvals and budgets. Click here for the full role description for Treasurer;
  • Directors with one or more of these skills: governance, strategic planning, fundraising, community engagement, financial oversight, internal policy development or, charity law;
  • A person with lived experience (“PWLE”) of suicide-related thoughts or behaviours or suicide loss, for the seat of PWLE Chair.

All meetings are held in English. Board members must be able to work in English (read, write, speak). The ability to also work in French, Indigenous languages, or any other language is an asset.

Board Members Responsibilities 

  • Prepare in advance for decision-making and policy formation at Board meetings; take responsibility for self-education on the major issues before the Board;
  • Responsibly review and act upon committee recommendations brought to the Board for action;
  • In general, utilize personal and professional skills, professional relationships, and knowledge for the advancement of CASP;
  • Share CASP social media postings and news with your professional and personal community;
  • Engagement in fundraising activities by sharing with your community.

Application Process

Candidates must be currently living permanently in Canada. Candidates will be reviewed by the Nomination Committee and, if chosen, will be interviewed by a member of the committee. References will then be contacted.  The final candidates will be presented to the Board on September 18th. and then stand for election at the Annual General Meeting on September 25, 2024.

Interested individuals should submit their online application which includes providing a resume, cover letter, and two references by July 24, 2024.

Please apply online using the form below.

Apply now!

Please contact us with any questions.

Please DO NOT apply by email. All applications must be submitted by clicking the Apply now button.